We have barred owls in the pines behind our house every winter. They start around this time of year. They are seldom seen. Is the Merlin ap sufficient for positive ID?

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For Barred Owls, if you have any doubt about the call, just save the Merlin recording and I can have a look

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You mentioned blue birds. We had a flock of 12 to 15 birds male and female at our garden bb box 2 days ago. They were going in and out of the house that haeld a brood last year. I too have been seeing the bald eagles along the river near the lower quarry.

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Good to hear - they do mostly hang out in the valleys these days. And it occurred to me that the Bald Eagle I saw might be heading toward the quarry. Have you been hearing any Barred Owls? this is one of our target birds for the Christmas Bird Count this Saturday...

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